Our Men’s dance group here is called Bigal Nali Jagun which means ‘Men coming together representing country’.

Aboriginal dancing is one of my most favourite parts of culture, to me it brings together our ancient past from our ancestors to the present. It also shows that our culture is still alive and continual. When we dance the feeling of our people coming together is overwhelming. We learn the importance of our native animals, our song-lines/gatherings and our language.’ And:

The Dubay Dancers (Dubay is our Bundjalung word meaning women) perform alongside the Bigal Nali Jagun in our Welcome to Country ceremony at local gatherings and key regional events including NAIDOC week, The Blues Festival and many other festivals on our country.

Every dance has significance and meaning. For example, our welcome dance is about sweeping out the bad spirits and bringing in the good.

The Dubay dancers believe that it is very important for our women and young people participate in welcome to country thus enabling our people to continue our culture and also to let visitors know that our country is still very special to us and while you are here it is important that you respect and care for our country as we do.
