The primary objective of the Corporation is to relieve poverty, sickness, destitution, distress, suffering, misfortune or helplessness of needy members of the Bundjalung People of Byron Bay of the land and waters in and around Byron Bay and surrounding areas of New South Wales through:
(a) improving housing, living conditions and general standards of living by the provision of land, housing and other buildings and other services for our people’s use and benefit;
(b) improving vocational skills, employment prospects and employment opportunities of our community members; and
(c) arresting social disintegration by strengthening and fostering development of our Aboriginal identity and culture, ensuring that all programs and actions are in accordance with our cultural values, customs and practices.
Our corporation objectives are to be achieved by, but not limited to, the following:
- seeking land and/or compensation for the Bundjalung People of Byron Bay of the land and waters in and around Byron Bay under Native Title Act (1993) or by any other means to further Corporation aims
seeking partnerships or Development Enterprise to improve the above objectives, through implementing the Bundjalung of Byron bay Aboriginal Corporation Corporate Plan.